Mackenzie's Induced Birth

Mackenzie was born on Sunday 9th August. 13 days over and Weighing in at 4.54kgs and a record 62cm long!

So it may not have been the birth we planned, but it was none the less Calm the entire time. If nothing else we did it as a team. And after trying every method (I do like to be thorough ) I can tell you that breathing is KEY. On the few occasions a strong contraction caught me off guard and I didn't breathe through it that was the only time I felt discomfort. It truly is incredible what you body can do, and even more so what you can achieve as a partnership.

Mackenzie was born on Sunday 9th August 13 days over and Weighing in at 4.54kgs and a record 62cm long!

We went into labor on Wednesday morning and spent that day and Thursday chilling out at home and enjoying the time together before heading to the hospital at 3am on Friday morning with contractions spacing about every 2mins. We had 4 hours with increasing contraction strength before the internal revealed we were only at 3cm. So we headed home to try and rest. Friday the contractions died down before picking straight back up and seeing us return to the hospital again at 2.30am. Everything was moving along until the next internal at 8am.. Low and behold 3cm.

Despite contractions being strong and constant we were like the little pig that went to market.. Home again home again jigity jig. Contractions continued most of Saturday until late afternoon when bub stopped moving as much and after discussions with the midwife it was decided we should go back in for monitoring. On day 3 by now breathing was a simple routine of counting, in fact I don't think I have ever counted so much or so well in my life.. Nor have I done so many squats, Cadel Evans was envious of my thighs by the end of it!

After 40 mins of monitoring it was decided that it was safest to induce, so they broke my waters. We then progressed to syntocin - 5 hours later.. 3cm.

Pretty tired but still calm we had been riding waves for days and after much discussion we had an epidural, primarily so I could rest as no sleep has been had for a few days. They then increased the synto to try and move things along as bub had pooped a few times already. Now 7am on Sunday morning another internal. Wait for it.....2.5cm and my cervix was thinking up again.. After trying natural, sweeps, ARMs, Synto (gas and an Epi) Bub was not coming up. More discussions and we decided it was now safest for both me and the baby to go ahead and do a cesarean section.

We are now all home and settling in nicely, she is a dream baby who sleeps and feeds well. Remember despite what happens it's how you approach it, and calm birth definitely taught us how to tackle anything that came out way. - Lizy, Chris and Mackenzie